KYC Individual Submission attachments are:
- Completed and Stamped KYC Individual Form (Download Editable Individual KYC Form)
- Certified copy of Valid Identification Document (Omang for Citizens & Passport for Foreign Nationals)
- Proof of Residential Address (Utility Bill, Lease Agreement, Title Deed, Letter from Kgosi, Affidavit)
- Proof of Source of Income and occupation (Payslip, letter of employer, bank statement)
Once ready with all the listed documents above, Please email directly to
KYC non individual Submission attachments are:
- Completed and Stamped KYC Non-Individual Form (Download Editable Non-Individual KYC Form)
- Incorporation Document (Certificate of Incorporation for companies, Certificate of Registration, Deed of Trust, etc)
- Proof of Residential Address (Utility Bill, Lease agreement, Title Deed, Affidavit, etc)
- Resolution authorising one to act on behalf of the company
- Head of Business/Authorised Signatory’s Identification
- Document (Omang for citizens, Passport for non-citizens)
- Proof of Bank account
- Proof of income tax registration and/or VAT registration (as applicable)
- Evidence of current shareholding
- Shareholder Identification Document (Omang for citizens, Passport for non-citizens)
- Directors Identification Document (Omang for citizens, Passport for non-citizens)
Once ready with all the listed documents above, Please email directly to